Having your own business, gaining professional and financial freedom, bringing about a positive change in the economic market and in people’s daily lives, with products and services that make sense, who doesn’t want to make a difference, right? In this article we will show you how you can make that difference, from tips and creative business trends that are worth investing.
Since we were little we are encouraged to see successful cases, or to come across
brands that revolutionize the local, regional, world market.
For example, when we talk about soda, various names and packaging appear in our mind, but the
strongest memory that brings emotional, typographic and visual traits is Coca-Cola, because it was built for this purpose, even those who do not consume the drink knows the brand for its striking features and its communication.
Another example is Airbnb, a startup that arose out of a need for creators and today, without having an apartment or house in their name, they are one of the biggest hotel chains, why did this happen? First because they saw a need as a potential business, and later because it involves the shared economy, that is, thinking creatively and using a common good in the community.
Businesses considered creative and with a humanized appeal tend to be a trend and have a higher profitability, due to the engagement that the consumer has with that brand.
Healthy food market
Another segment that has worked very well and over the years has not seen a crisis is the healthy food market. This is because people are looking for a healthy life, to be able to better enjoy the moments, and live with the people they love with more quality and longevity.
For this reason, they are increasingly strict, with what they consume, they no longer want products without a quality seal and, if they care how each food is produced, the backstage must be shown to emphasize and affirm the entire discourse communicated.
Porém, um fator bem preocupante na área de alimentação é a taxa de obesidade no Brasil, segundo o Ministério da Saúde, nos últimos 10 anos, o índice de obesidade aumentou 60% entre a população brasileira.
Este fato demonstra, a importância das empresas, pensarem em soluções criativas e que foquem no saudável, para que os que tiverem dispostos a viver melhor, se identifiquem, e consumam de uma forma mais correta.
Todavia, ao mesmo tempo que o número de indivíduos acima do peso gera grande preocupação, o Brasil Food Trends 2020 lançou uma pesquisa muito positiva, informando que o grande número de adeptos de uma alimentação saudável cresce a cada ano e, com isso, o faturamento de empresas que atuam com os nichos do segmento de alimentos naturais e saudáveis aumenta também.
Só em 2016, o setor faturou R$ 93,6 bilhões. Então, pode-se considerar que estas pessoas acima do peso estão querendo melhorar de vida, e existe uma forte demanda para o mercado de alimentação e suplementação.
Prova disso, é que a área de suplementos vem tendo uma crescente procura a cada novo ano. Segundo a Associação Brasileira dos Fabricantes de Suplementos Nutricionais e Alimentos para Fins Especiais (Brasnutri), entre 2010 e 2016 o faturamento do mercado de suplementação passou de R$ 637 milhões para R$ 1,49 bilhão, o que torna o Brasil o terceiro maior mercado de suplementos alimentares do mundo, ficando atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos e da Austrália.
Além do mais, segundo pesquisa da Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Alimentos para Fins Especiais e Congêneres (Abiad), os suplementos estão em 54% dos lares brasileiros. A necessidade de complementar a dieta é apontada como a principal razão por trás da compra. Outro movimento interessante, é que os brasileiros estão cada vez mais preocupados em manter hábitos saudáveis de vida.
This is revealed by a survey conducted by the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo, in which 80% of people strive to have a balanced diet and 71% prefer healthier products. As we can see in the data and research, there is a strong trend in the supplementation sector due to the factors seen above and, it can also be seen by the statement that Sebrae brings: “Healthiness and well-being” is one of the trends of the Therefore, companies operating in this market need to take this concept into account.
So, do you have any doubts yet the perfect time to invest in this potential market is now? You can check out more information about our segments on the website .